Year 2022-2023 Grades 7-8

Essay Writing for Middle School

Taught by Beth Moore

PDF for printing is here

Course Description: In this course, students will write the standard five-paragraph essay including an introduction, thesis statement, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Choosing from a variety of topics, students will write different types of essays such as comparison and contrast, expository, descriptive, persuasive, and a research essay. Students will be required to complete and/or edit papers at home. Papers will be shared with the instructor via Google Classroom and Google Docs prior to class time. Students will be expected to use proper grammar, punctuation, and assigned vocabulary. Vocabulary assignments will be given each week and quizzes on the vocabulary will be given in class. Students must have access at home to a computer/laptop/iPad and the internet for this class. Students are required to bring a laptop/iPad to class. Grades and assignments will be shared through Google Classroom. Students will be encouraged to do their best and develop the skills and talent that God has given them in the area of academic writing

Day and Time: Tuesdays, 10:30-12:00

Instructor: Beth Moore

Please see the PDF for additional class information including required materials and costs.

Contact Info:

Phone: 205-601-9236


Venmo: Beth Moore @Beth-Moore-84