Year 2022-2023 Grades 10-12


taught by Chuck Summers

PDF for printing is here

Course Description:

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, you should be able to: (1) Understand and use exponential and logarithmic functions. (2) Understand and apply the unit circle with trigonometric functions and their identities to solve real-life problems. (3) Apply vector concepts and operations on vectors with applications in physics. (4) Be able to solve systems of equations with two and three variables using various techniques including matrix operations. (5) Analyze and recognize conic sections and their mathematical representations. (6) Understand and apply arithmetic and geometric series and sequences and be able to prove infinite sequences. (7) Apply and understand combinatorics, combinations and permutations, as well as the binomial theorem. (8) Recognize and use various applications of Pascal’s Triangle

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra II.

Day and Time: Tuesday & Thursday, 2:00 -3:30

Instructor: Chuck Summers

See the PDF for additional information including required materials and costs

Contact Info:

Phone: 770-309-1984


Venmo: Charles Summers @C00lnerd (those are zeros in the word Cool)