Elementary Classes

"In the beginning, God created"....those are not only the first words of the book of Genesis, but they are also the first insights we have into our God. He created. His creativity is all around us. We are all God's "Masterpiece" as He made each one of us unique. He has given each one of us special talents and creative abilities that were designed just for us. This year, we will focus on tapping into our God given ability to be creative. We will learn to examine art from God's design.Then, we will explore many mediums and learn how to manipulate art techniques to create a unique "Master's" piece. Our goal for this class is to experience art through God's gift of creativity. We want to help students release their fears and insecurities in their ability to be creative. Our goal is to allow the students to give their right brains permission to express and unleash their creativity. By exploring their talents, we desire for the students to be confident in who God created them to be. Let Loose, Let Go, Drop Fears and Insecurities, Be Creative! We don't use the word "can't" in this class.

Art from the Heart

Taught by Carrie Cooley and Nina Halbert

Grades 4K-8th

Tuesday, 10:30 - 11:30

PDF for printing

Elementary FUN! with Medieval Science and History

Taught by Alisa Sprayberry

Grades 2-5

Wednesday, 9:00 - 11:45

This class is FULL for 2023-2024. If you wish to be put on the waiting list, please complete the registration form. No money will be due.

PDF for printing

Course Description: This course will study the Medieval time period (400 to 1522). History will focus on culture, knights, castles, major events, famous kings and queens, etc. Science lessons will be on the scientific advancements made during this time with a focus on Medieval inventions. This class will use hands-on interactive activities such as experiments, crafts, and games to learn about the exciting Middle Ages.


Middle School